Wow! I can hardly believe how well I did at CVS today! I really need to be sitting at my sewing machine right now, but I just HAD to share my excitement first!
I try to do my CVS shopping on Sunday afternoons since that's the first day of their sale each week (they run Sunday-Saturday). I'd studied this week's sale flyer for about a hour already (earlier in the week since our CVS will give you the sale flyer in advance if you ask) and spent another 20 minutes or so right before I went to CVS today (since my sweet neighbor who gives me all her coupons brought some over right after church!). It's a good thing I did as there were many coupons in today's paper that made this shopping trip very, very good!
I started todays shopping with $4 in ECBs (Extra Care Bucks) from my last visit, PLUS I also had a $5 off $25 CVS coupon that was e-mailed to me this week. My $5 coupon expired today so I wanted to use it without buying $25 worth of stuff I didn't need or wasn't on sale. Actually, I never do that anyway. Coupons are always tempting, but the money you save is actually wasted if you buy something you may never use just because you have a coupon for it. So I planned a little extra so I would make smart decisions - - and it paid off today! Here's the summary of what I bought (see photo above) and what I paid:
Oral B Vitality rechargeable toothbrush (on sale for $23 this week)
2 Lipton tea bags
3 Skippy peanut butter
Right Guard deodorant
Dry Idea deodorant
2 Mentos gum
Medicated Blistex lip ointment
Aussie volumizing shampoo
I did two transactions for these purchases, and using my CVS coupon, manufacturer coupons, my $4 Extra Care Bucks, and $13 ECBs from my first transaction today. I paid a total of $6.92 plus tax for ALL of it! To sweeten the deal, I left CVS with $7 in additional ECBs! My savings today was $68.56! I am sure there are some hard-core CVSers out there who did even better than me, but I'll take these kind of savings any day! Well worth the few hours a week I spend planning and snipping coupons!
If you're new to CVS shopping and want to learn more, go to for some great info!