My shopping trips just never look as awesome in a photo as they do in person.
Here's what I got at CVS Saturday:
Tide 96 loads
Dial soap, 6 bars
Edge Shaving Gel
Turtles, 2 boxes
King size candy bars (Reese's, Heath, Kit Kat), 10 total
Renpure Organics Shampoo, 2 of these
Playtex Tampons, 2 boxes
Gain dish detergent
Venus razor
Paid out of pocket (including tax): $28.32
This is more than I usually spend in one trip at CVS, but I got $109.62 worth of stuff (keep in mind that's CVS regular prices and their regular prices are not bargains). I used rain checks on the shampoo and candy bars and got all those items free after ECBs. I had coupons for up to $1.00 off each of the other items, and I (of course) used several ECBs. After paying, the nice register printed me another $23 in ECBs for future purchases. And oh, I made these purchases in three separate transactions. That's another key to paying less out of pocket cash when you are using ECBs.
Hope (one of the managers at my CVS) is so wonderful. I just love shopping when she's working. She's patient with us crazy coupon ladies, and she always teaches me something new. The CVS employees can make your bargain shopping experience either great OR something you don't want to waste time doing. The girls at our local CVS are always top-notch and I am so glad they are here!
This week's CVS deals don't much appeal to me, so I think I'll wait to see what next week's bargains are. I am guessing the clearance deals might be good through the end of the year. I wish I had time to visit CVS a few times a week!
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